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Carefully choose the nail polish due can cause reproductive disorders

Carefully choose the nail polish due can cause reproductive disorders

Having beautiful nails is certainly a desire of women. So it is not surprising that women are willing to take the time and spend money to beautify nails.

However, did you know that nail polish or known by the name of manicure can be hazardous to your health?

Manicure done with polish the nail that containing chemicals linked to respiratory problems and damage to the reproductive system.

A new report from the
Department of Toxic Substances Control in California found that many nail polish  are used to manicure contain levels of chemicals is very high.

The chemicals contained in nail polish are toluene, formaldehyde and dibutyl phthalate. Formalin is widely known to cause cancer, while dibutyl phthalate is a chemical that can disrupt reproductive hormones.

Researchers conducted tests on 25 bottles of nail polish used in salons different. The test results showed only 2 free bottles of the three types of chemicals.

It's hard to find a nail polish that is free from harmful chemicals, but not impossible. Consider the composition of nail polish on the label or packaging and bring  the polish nail your own from home if you want to get a manicure at the salon treatment.


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